Sunday, July 24, 2011

Speaking at Wakiso

Today I spoke at a small church in Wakiso.  It was a beautiful place.  There was one young woman that stood out to me.  I noticed her as soon as she came in.  Her eyes stayed on the floor as if she was afraid to look at anyone.  She had her baby attached to her back with a cloth and the child never opened her eyes for an entire 2 hour service.  She didn't cry or even nurse as all the other babies did.

After I finished speaking I made a bee-line for her.  The woman's name was Ellen.  Her baby barely opened her eyes when she saw me which is very odd because it would be the first time she saw a white person up close and children always express shock or fear us at first.  But this baby made no recognition of me.  I asked if they had eaten this morning and Ellen said she had... but I knew it wasn't true. 

I made further inquiries to the pastor and it turns out Ellen is married to the town drunk.  She is beaten regularly and has scars on her face to prove it.  She has 2 other toddlers who don't have the strength to walk to church with her because they are too hungry.  She walks 2 miles just to spend time in church away from the reality of home life.

Ellen and her baby are the reason that I am in Africa.  She reminds me that all of my sacrifices are worth while. Women like Ellen need love, a place to feel safe, food and above all hope. We gave her a gift and told her that for now the most important thing was for her and her babies to eat.  We will check on her next week.

Below are some photos of me speaking at the church.  I spoke about God never forgetting us and having our names written on the palm of his hand (Isaiah 49)

1 comment:

anniekk said...

I just love Isaiah!!! Preach on!