Monday, October 16, 2006

Giving Extraordinarily!

I am so proud of our families! Travis and Astrid arranged a "Sharing the Blessing Day" in Rwanda last week. The idea was for the sponsored families to give back to the community they are in. They are no longer the poorest of the village and we encouraged them to share what they have with the poor.

The pictures I received from our staff were really amazing. I felt a surge of pride well up in my chest as I looked at all those happy faces giving!!! What a huge step for them. I can't believe only a year or so ago, these very people couldn't walk among others because they had no clothes! Now, they are living in "abundance" and can give away livestock! Praise God.

It also was a reminder to me about giving sacrifically. Honestly, these people have so little -- if anyone had a reason "NOT" to give, it would be these families. They are just getting back on their feet! I mean, it goes against human nature to give when you "just have enough". And still these families give away what could be their very own futures. How extraordinary.