Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moon to metropolis...

We made it to London… central London. I have spent today fighting off tears and disassociating. We went to the grocery store and I had to steady myself. There was so much food and everything was so clean. We were able to find deli turkey for sandwiches! I stood in front of the precooked and prepackaged turkey and it took me almost ten minutes to decide what “kind” was best. Mesquite, thin sliced, turkey ham, thick, smoked… sheesh! I ended up going with the best price! But there is nothing like that in Rwanda at all…there is NO sandwich meat other than some odd salami. Basically, you go into the store and see what they have… If you have the money… you buy it! There are no choices!

Also, there are so many people packed together here. There are lots of different nationalities. Also, I have seen more skin in one day then in the last 2 ½ months altogether. I am completely shocked by the amount of tight clothing and exposed stomachs… Of course, it will be the same in America. But I completely forgot that women wear pants, let alone mini skirts.

I am especially being bombarded by sounds and lights. Everywhere there is loud music and bright lights. Right now I am sitting in our lovely flat in Covent Garden which has a real garden in a courtyard… and the street side is booming with laughter and loud music. I can hear glasses clinging in toasts and men and women in the middle of non-sense conversation. It feels like I have been dropped off the moon and into a metropolis. Within 17 hours I went from village life to inner city life and I haven’t adjusted. I keep trying to stay “present” for Ben and the kid’s sake… but I am loosing that battle!

Every person I have met here whether at the airport or on the street has been so polite and wonderful. They are very kind and accommodating to visitors. I have spoken today to Julia Negus, our UK contact in Nottingham. She made me feel so comfortable and excited about coming to their church tomorrow for our presentation. I can’t wait to visit the countryside… somehow I think I will probably feel VERY comfortable there!

So it is off to bed I go… I have a big day tomorrow. Re-entry is difficult… I feel confused and unable to take anymore stimuli into my brain. Hopefully a good sleep with help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just left Long Eaton church after your presentation and just wanted to say that i hope your stay in Nottingham is a pleasant one, and the work you are doing through God is truly astounding!