When I got back into Kigali, I took my two boys to the Intercontinental Hotel for some Chocolate Shakes. As we were sitting there, Nathan remarked to me, "Dad, look at that man with the COOL glasses!" I did not look, because it was not nice to stare. A few minutes later, I saw Rick Warren introducing himself to several people. I went up to his travelling companion Steve, and said "Could I meet Rick also?" He said "sure, he is real approachable!" I happened to have my camera with me...which is by chance...So I asked him to look at some of the photos we had from the village, Sarafena's house before and after...he said something like good job, then interupted me to introduce himself to my sons, Nathan and Mike! I would not want to make him feel like a rock star or anything, but if he only knew what an affect his example through lectures and his book the purpose driven life had deep within my heart. Rick, if you by some small chance are reading this blog, thank you for obeying Christ. You are like an incredible example to me and of course thousands around the world. Your humble spirit goes before you. If you possibly have 30 minutes, I would love to talk about our Personal Visions for Rwanda while you are here. Can you email me at ben.pahlow@globalfamilyrescue.org ?

you and Rick look alike, Maby You did not notice that
Yep, you look like brothers! :)
Keep up the good work!
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