Today I was supposed to go to the big family meeting that we have each year. It is kind of a presidential address where Ben talks about what God puts on his heart as a focus for the year. It is a great opportunity to see GFR Rwanda in a directional sense. A representative of each family comes to hear Ben speak and they share with their family and associations. This year Ben’s focus was on sharing. He even had the kids do a skit about giving to others out of God’s gifts to us. Everyone responded very positively. He also introduced our new Field Director,

Pascal and also two new caseworkers, Gilbert and Emerithe. Our new staff are so excited to be on the team! Also, the whole crowd cheered as Ben explained that Vianney was still working with us and that Pascal is hired in addition to our staff not as a replacement (as if there could be one!). Last year I was sick for the family meeting. And what do you know? I was sick again this year! Only, this year I think the illness is a little more interesting. Needless to say, I am taking “deworming” medication. Being on the toilet for 3 days has me really thinking of what it would be like to be sick in the village. I mean, my body feels EMPTY! And I am

trying to imagine all the little children that I have seen each time I visit with exhaustion etched in their faces. It is hard to imagine how I would feel if I wasn’t continuing to drink water to rehydrate. I know I wouldn’t be able to get up off the floor! Uwimana and Isabelle went with Ben to the bank to help out with the kids and security. Tonight Cyprien told me that Uwimana was surprised how many families we are helping. It made me reflect about how far we have come. We are indeed making an impact and it is not only with these families, but with all of the authorities and people who are becoming familiar

with our organization. I am praying that God will make generosity “contagious” in our villages. We only have another 3 weeks here and there is a lot to do. I am praying for the ability to be healthy to finish the race! There is a verse that keeps coming to my mind these last few days, the one where Jesus says; “My church will be built on the rock and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” I feel like GFR is a little church… going to the farthest ends of the earth. It is a church that is made up of all kinds of caring people who love the poor. And I feel proud that we are coming together to do God’s great work. No matter what happens, I have to believe that the gates of hell (and what chaos they are trying to rend!) will not overcome God’s plans for Rwanda. Being on the frontlines of mission work is a burden and a blessing at the same time. It is a testing of our faith to trust in God’s hand of provision and sovereignty but it is also amazingly rewarding to see lives changed! I sometimes think about stepping back and letting go. But I can never be ignorant to the reality of war and poverty again. I also can not be blind to the new lives that are blossoming through God’s work here. To step back would mean I would miss seeing God work… and I am much to nosey to stay too far away from that adventure!
1 comment:
Deworming?! yikes! I'm praying for you!
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:35
Press on, girlfriend! :)
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