Saturday, June 10, 2006

Thats a lotta people!!!!!!!!!

June 10, 2006

I feel so happy I could burst, and my back would be the first thing to go. Pictures say a thousand words, so I will let the photos do the talking. Our house is bursting at the seams with men, women and even children… but most of the men and women have dark circles under their eyes!
Everyone’s luggage was brought on ONE pick up truck to the house!!! That is incredible when you realize that it was over 55 pieces of luggage. And we had one van and a land cruiser drive all 20 people back to the house… I will never forget Christina’s face as she was hanging out the side of the “Moo-ta-two”! Her expression was somewhere between “whoa” and acceptance was priceless…
I am pretty beat and we have a long trip to the mountain church tomorrow. There are quite a few women here who left kids, and tears have already been shed. There is nothing as awful as the deep tearing in your gut as your plane pulls into the air at O’Hare.

God care for these mothers and protect their children at home as they serve you in Rwanda. God be with all the families at home as we miss them all so much!


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