Sunday, June 16, 2013

Life saving sponsorship

I have been asking God what could possibly be the purpose of this illness while I am in Africa.  I definitely have a deeper understanding of the physical trials facing the poor.  But last night I believe I had a break through that I wanted to share.

If you don't know about our program, let me briefly state an African's view of how to overcome poverty.  Years ago an African friend of ours told us that he believed the best way to help people in Africa was as a family unit and through temporary sponsorship that led to a micro business and self reliance.  We have widows and orphans who are currently on the road to self sufficiency in that same manner.  

The thing that always struck me about our sponsored families was the wonder by which they received that sponsorship.  So many African families have tried to express their gratitude to their donors through words, gifts and hugs.  But last night, I was given a deeper understanding of that gratitude.  My illness has taken me on a journey that honestly (without trying to be overly dramatic) has caused me to fear for my life.  Only those closest to me know the severity of the illness and the toll is has taken on my body.  I have been in the hospital 5 times in 6 days.  Even today I slept 22 hours straight.  The fever is still raging in my body as I sweat through layers of sheets.  The amazing thing is that I have been miraculously cared for by several friends or donors in the states.  I have had the care I needed, the medication and all of the necessities I needed for survival.  In short, I have received my own sponsorship.

As a desperately ill woman in a third world country, I can tell you my need was acute.  I would NOT have survived this illness without my donors.  I can now only tell you that the joy of the people that receive sponsorship is more than happiness... it is life saving.  I am a living breathing example of God's grace through sponsorship. 

As you continue to pray for my healing, please also continue to pray for more donors to come forward and offer life to another human being. 

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